Kibo Insights
Anti-virus Bitdefender Cyber Attack Cyber Breaches Cyber threat Data Security Ethical Hacking Malware Managed anti-virus Managed Services Provider Phishing ransomware Security Virus Worm
Next-Generation Managed Anti-Virus Layered Security Solution with Bitdefender
Every day, 560,000 new pieces of malware are detected. Every minute, four companies fall victim to ransomware attacks. As devices become increasingly interconnected and the number of threats exponentially increases, malware poses one of the largest security threats to every
Kibo Insights
Authentication Cyber Attack Cyber Breaches Cyber threat Cybersecurity Cybersecurity Awareness Data Management Data Security Data Security Blog Post Employee Training Ethical Hacking Human Error Modern Data protection Proactive Measures Reduce Risk Secure Behaviour Secure Workplace Security Savvy Workforce Stay Protected Tailored Training Training for Safety Training Solutions
Cybersecurity: Tackling Human Error with Tailored Training
In today's digital age, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. With cyber threats evolving at an alarming rate, it's crucial for businesses to prioritize protecting their data and systems. According to a study by IBM, an astounding 95% of